Feeling Food

Daily Pleasure & Wellness

Client: Feeling Food
Date: august 2018

Scriptwriting – Animation: Adrien Boutin
Graphic Design: Claudine Bénéjean
Voice over: Yacine Marwan
Music: Daniel Gunnarsson


Feeling Food is the story between Aline, a food blogger, and Maurianne, a dietician and nutritionist, who decided to create a diet coaching service adapted to the needs of different people, concerned with well-being and pleasure shared during a family meal.

They called us to launch the communication of their new brand via an advertising campaign on social networks. We had to think of a format of less than a minute to present the innovative philosophy of Feeling Food, focusing on the story of a mother who wants to start a dietary re-education.


Feeling Food provides 14 dietary programs adapted to various specifications, such as pregnancy, weight gain, vegetarianism, seniors, etc.

The program that they want to put forward is the food rebalancing, different from a classic diet. The diet is very restrictive, it is a deprivation to lose weight quickly, and is based on eating fewer calories than necessary. Rebalancing consists of eating as much as you want but making sure that it is constantly balanced. It is less restrictive and it is possible to indulge from time to time.

There is also a psychological aspect, meaning that the goal is not to have a “perfect” body but to accept one’s morphology.

For this, Feeling Food offers several things: a customized meal generator adapted to the whole family to avoid the person following a diet rebalancing being socially excluded, a dietician for regular exchanges in video and a community for additional support.

All these aspects must be concentrated in a one-minute video, and it must be able to raise awareness among people who do not accept themselves.


For identification, there is nothing better than the power of storytelling. We decided to follow a mother  who is feeling more and more socially excluded. Since the video has an online advertising campaign, the first five seconds must be impactful and make people want to continue reading.

The introduction, which serves to set up the problem, will condense scenes of exposure that will make the mother feel more uncomfortable (posters of women in bathing suits, a supermarket shelf, the beach). To fluidify the whole, there is a single movement with the sceneries which scroll, to finish on a separation from her own family at the end of the table, with a thin bowl of soup.

For the rest of the video, it’s a graphic explanation of how Feeling Food works. The mother is central and acts as a link between the different services offered. She is the center of the Feeling Food approach and philosophy.

In terms of design, we opted to remove the details of the face. The first reason is so that as many people as possible can identify and recognize themselves in her. The second reason is for the twist at the end, with the appearance of her eyes and her mouth taking the shape of the Feeling Food logo. This links her emancipation with the Feeling Food brand.


The challenge of this animation is to share emotions with characters without expressions: it is only the movement of their bodies that will allow this.

Fortunately, when we started the project, Nicolas Dufresne had just released his new version of the Duik software (called Duik Bassel), and deployed a lot of tools to have more flexibility in character animation. We also took the opportunity to learn the new features.

Among these, we were able to create a character generator from the same base and thus reduce the budget. We were able to set up controllers to manage the corpulence, and thus play on the minimal detail of the mother who loses weight as the video goes on. The effect is not visible but it is noticeable.

The result is a dynamic, touching video, and we warmly thank Aline and Maurianne for their kindness and for having trusted us.